Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Panic at the Pleasure Palace
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Počet hráčů: 2-6
Věk hráčů: 15 let
Doba hraní: 30
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Autor: Cory Jones, Matt Hyra
Charakteristika: fantasy, humor, karetní hra, párty hra
Panic at the Pleasure Palace je zatím sexuálně nejrozjetější pohled na übernásilný střet kouzelníků, tedy téma, kterým se opakovaně zabývá série Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards.
Epic Spell Wars if the Battle Wizards: Panic at the Pleasure Palace je čtvrtá hra ze série Epice Spell Wars. Svoji osvědčenou hratelnost postavenou na humoru, dospělých tématech i grafickém zpracování přináší úplně novou úroveň hry pro 2-6 hráčů.
Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Panic at the Pleasure Palace, the fourth game in the Epic Spell Wars series, takes the trademark humor-filled, mature gameplay and artwork to a new level for 2-6 players. Magically transmitted diseases (MTDs) are a powerful addition to the proceedings, leading wizards to suffer Crotch Krakens, Genital Harpies, and Gorgonorrhea, among other enchanted afflictions. MTDs also give players glyphs that lead to spells that are more epic than ever. In addition, players vie for control of the standee, which protects them from the MTDs that might come their way.